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Bike Fit Studio Pricing

View our range of services and varying prices depending on the option you choose. Choose from cleat fitting, bike fitting, or saddle pressure mapping for detailed pricing.

Bike Fitting




Up to 2 Hours

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Pre-Purchase Fitting




Up to 3 Hours

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Cleat Fitting




Up to 1 Hour

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Saddle Pressure Mapping




Up to 1.5 Hours

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Saddle Pressure Mapping

Only €100

Add it to any bike fit for only €75

Our saddle pressure mapping service analyses your sit bone balance and patterns while pedalling. Based on this real time data, we work with you to identify the best saddle for your anatomy, and adjustments to prevent issues. These issues usually include numbness, pain, and discomfort when cycling for long distances.

Bike Fitting

From €170 — see below

We provide many options for bike fitting, depending on your requirements. There is a table below with an overview of our pricing.

If you are buying a new bike, we highly recommend the Müve Bike Fit as this allows us to find the absolute ideal bike fit for you. You can then use your bike fit report to aid you in your bike search. With this report you will understand the dimensions you need in a bike to allow you to achieve your ideal position.

If you feel you need tweaks on your current bike to address pain, comfort, or performance issues — the existing bike fit is ideal for you. This will find the optimum position for you within the boundaries of your bike and component dimensions. We also provide a 2 x bike fit for the option to bring a second bike in the same appointment for a reduced price.

For the cheapest price in our bike fitting portfolio, if you arrange for a group of 5 or more people to book with us, then an existing bike fit is only €220 plus if you are a Cycling Member then you only pay €170 after your additional €50 discount.

Then if you have already had a fit with us and wish to come back due to changes in your riding style, competitive level, or new components, we offer the follow up fit at a reduced rate. Please note that this service does not allow the use of Cycling Ireland Member Discounts.

Follow Up Bike Fit


Per Person
  •  Deposit €25
  • €50 Cycling Ireland Discount Unavailable
  • Ideal for tuning position on original bike after 1 year due to riding style etc

Existing Bike FitMost Popular


Per Person
  •  Deposit €25
  • Only €200 for Cycling Ireland Members
  • Optimize your fit on your current bike to maximize comfort, performance, and aerodynamics

2 x Bikes


Per Person
  •  Deposit €25
  • Only €275 for Cycling Ireland Members
  • Bring any 2 bikes such as road and TT for a full bike fit on each bike



Per Person
  • Groups of 5+
  • Only €170 for Cycling Ireland Members
  • Individual sessions per rider with no rushed group timing
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Pre-Purchase Fitting

From €270

Used for getting the correct size and fit before you decide on buying a new bike.

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting is carried out on the Retül Müve Bike. This is a fully adjustable bike that dials in your exact measurements and fit that you are comfortable with.
Once you have this fit, we provide you with a report that gives you exact measurements that can be used across any brand of bikes to identify the size that works best for you.
This is especially useful if you are buying a bike online e.g. Canyon Bikes.

Cycling Ireland Members


Regular Price


What is the difference between a pre-purchase and existing bike fit?

An existing bike fit works around you and your current bike to get the best possible position and fit on your current bike. A pre-purchase bike fit will find your absolute best position and fit using our fully adjustable Müve Bike — which you can then use to pick the best sized bike for you, using our bike fit report with full measurements. Click here for a more detailed explanation.

Cleat Fitting

Only €50

Our Cleat Fitting Service provides a full review, analysis, and realignment of your cleats to maximize your comfort while pedalling, and reduce pain and injury that is common from poor shoe, pedal, and cleat setup.
This service has only one price tier at €50 that covers all cyclist types. Please note that Cycling Ireland Member Discounts do not apply to cleat fitting.