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Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting

Find your absolute optimised bike fit and position, as well as the geometry for your new bike.

About Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting at Bike Fit Studio

Pre-Purchase Bike fitting at Bike Fit Studio uses the Retül Müve Dynamic Bike. This fully adjustable bike finds your ideal fit and bike size without the restriction of your current bike or component geometry.

While you might think your current bike is the right size, you may be surprised how many cyclists cannot achieve their ideal bike fit due to the limitations of their frame and component size. That’s why we offer the Pre-Purchase Bike Fit.

Price & Duration

From €220
Up to €270

3 Hours for One Fit


Add saddle pressure mapping for only €75


Identifies absolute ideal fit
Provides details for bike size
Removes limitations of current bike


Cannot fix injuries
Physical ability dictates fit

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Overview

This service is called pre-purchase bike fitting. This is because it is designed for any cyclist who wants to ensure they are buying a bike that allows for the ideal bike fit.

Many cyclists are unable to achieve their ideal bike fit because of frame and component size limitations.
By using a fully adjustable bike, called the Retül Müve Dynamic Bike, we can adapt freely until we arrive at your absolute ideal and optimised bike fit.

For more detail on what happens at each stage of your pre-purchase bike fit, continue reading below.

Your Pre-Purchase Bike Fit in More Detail

The steps we take in the pre-purchase bike fit are the same as the steps we take in the existing bike fit. The main difference is that you aren’t on your own bike during the pre-purchase bike fit. By cycling on the fully adjustable Retül Müve Dynamic Bike, we don’t hit any limitations in optimising your position

Based on your anatomy, and the information provided in your pre-fit survey, we can build a general template to start your bike fit. Then we move on to optimisation, and end with a comprehensive report you can use to find a bicycle that meets your exact fit criteria.

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Ireland Pre-Fit Survey

Pre-Fit: Cyclist Survey and Checklist

Once you book your pre-purchase bike fit, we will send you an email with a questionnaire to fill out. This gives us information regarding your specific discipline, your challenges, and any injuries or issues you have. By completing this before your appointment, we can prepare for your bike fit and plan your bike fit specifically for you. 

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Ireland Bio-mechanical assessment

Step 1: Initial Assessment & Review

Every Bike Fit Studio Appointment starts with an initial assessment — whether it is on your own bike or in this instance, on a Müve Dynamic Fit Bike. We discuss your cycling history, any previous injury issues, points of discomfort, cycling experience, and your goals in cycling. We then go through a physiological assessment to identify leg length discrepancy issues, flexibility issues, stability issues, core strength, upper body strength, and pronation issues. We use that data to better understand and plan for any accomodations that need to be made in your Müve Dynamic Bike Fit. Bike Fit Studio Bike Fitting is highly accurate, so we look at the contours of the soles of your feet to identify varus or valgus feet so we can assess any need for cleat wedges.

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Ireland Cyclist Data Capture

Step 2: Initial Video & Data Capture

Before we start to adapt the Retül Müve Dynamic Fit Bike, we get an idea for your current setup based on your leg length, overall height, and riding style. Based on that first measurement, we get precise measurements of your current position on your bike from both sides, using the Retül motion capture system. For a Müve Bike Fit, we use this initial setup to help us to quantify where you are riding on a generic height measurement bike fit. This is not the ideal fit for you, and this is where Retül goes further than other bike fitting services. We examine differences in the left and right sides to better understand your riding style and to assess any rider asymmetry, because every cyclist is built differently, and Retül takes that into account in every aspect of your bike fit.

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Ireland Knee and Cleat Tracking

Step 3: Knee Tracking & Cleat Placement

After we have put you in a position as close to ideal as possible, we track and measure your knee movement. Ideally, your knee will move up and down in the same plane. Any lateral or medial movement can result in loss of power, discomfort, or even injury. Lasers are placed in front of you and markers are positioned on your tibial tuberosity and in-line with the second metatarsal head for each leg. Changes are then made to the cleat position to increase power, decrease foot discomfort, and to adjust knee tracking through the pedal stroke.

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Ireland Cycling Position Adjustments

Step 4: Rider Position Changes

The primary part of the fit involves changing the configuration of the Retül Müve Dynamic Fit Bike to arrive at an orthordox road, Track, TT or triathlon position based on your cycling discipline. This can involve simply the modification of the saddle position, modification of the bar position, and suggesting the best stems, saddles, bars, or cranks. The goal of this bike fitting is to find the best possible bike fit for you, based on the stack and reach of a bicycles geometry that optimizes your position and performance.

Pre-Purchase Bike Fitting Ireland Final Bike Fit Optimisation

Step 5: Final Changes & Final Video Capture

After your bike fit is validated based upon your feedback, and our own visual assesment – your fitter will take a final set of Retül captures from both sides to validate the fit with unparalleled precision. Micro-adjustments are then made, and your bike fitting is completed. To complete your appointment with Bike Fit Studio, the Müve Dynamic Fit Bike configuration is traced using the Retül Zin Device to give us precise bike configuration coordinates for you to use.

Step 6: Your Personalized Bike Fit Report

When your fit and Zin Measurement are both completed, your fitter will then sit down with you and help you to identify the ideal bicycle for you and your cycling discipline. You will then receive a Bike Fit Studio Retül fit report containing before and after photos, the resulting bike configuration data, left and right body geometry data, and some notes about your fit. You will now have finished your Bike Fit Studio Bike Fit, and will leave with the optimal bike position for you, and the measurements required for a new bike that allows this fit to be achieved.
Click the image to view a sample bike fit report.

Opening Hours

 Bike Fitting by Appointment Only

 Open 7 Days a Week

 Mon–Sat: 8am – 10pm

 Sunday: 1pm – 9pm

Contact us on 087 988 1511.

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